VSLVR 120x30x1025P - Rectangular finned push-in plastic plugs with plane head LD-PE black

Finned push-in plugs, Rectangular finned push-in plugs

VSLVR 120x30x1025P - Rectangular finned push-in plastic plugs with plane head LD-PE black

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the order unit: 100 pieces
Part no.: 18330
MOQ / Order unit: 100 pieces
Foot height FH: 14,5 mm
Head height KH: 5,0 mm
Wall thickness WS: 1,0-2,5 mm
Width W: 120,0x30,0 mm
Material group: Plastic
Material: PE-LD
Color: black
Temperature min.: -40 °C
Temperature max.: +80 °C
RoHS III compliant: Yes

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